Osaka YMCA Gakuin


The Japanese education provided at Osaka YMCA encourages and guides people of different backgrounds towards mutual understanding through Japanese Language and culture.

Educational Goals of Osaka YMCA

  • to leverage language skills to make efforts for international work. 
  • to interact with Japanese people and experience Japanese culture so as to expand your world.

In order to achieve such goals, the improvement of Japanese proficiency is indispensable and it is necessary to flexibly adapt to new experiences and be open to others. Japanese language programs at the Osaka YMCA provide support such as necessary and adequate learning curricula, diverse courses to realize such improvement, professional lecturers with abundant abilities and experience, high-quality classes and teaching material development, the newest facilities as well as opportunities for students to interact with the people of Japan and the world and understand each other. In addition, we provide appropriate guidance according to each situation for individual students in learning and life.

The Osaka YMCA started Japanese teaching in 1969 and provided educational opportunity of Japanese for 50 years.  
We cultivate the Japanese language abilities that will support active roles in specialized fields, Japanese society and the international scene and also nurtures minds to be open to all the people of the world. Discovering your new abilities will make your future and possibilities clearly visible.

Osaka YMCA

Required Documents for Student Visa:

1. School application form

2. Statement of Intent (Essay explaining why you want to study in Japan). Must explain in detail your purpose of study abroad as well as plans upon completion .

3. 4X Passport Photographs (size: 4cm X 3cm)
4. Photocopy of the passport Bio-page (and all pages copy showing previous trips to Japan.)

5. Diploma or a copy from the last school attended. (Original will be returned to the applicant after application review is done)
6. Photocopy of a transcript or grade report from the school last enrolled.

7. Certificate of enrolment for those currently attending school.

8. Certificate of employment. (Applicants with employment history must submit this document. On the company letter head, list the name of the company, phone no. date of issue, and name of the boss.)

9. Japanese proficiency certificate (JLPT or NAT certificate) and Japanese course certificate (stating at least 150 hours of study).
10. Job certificate if currently employed

11. Birth Certificate

Sponsor documents:

  1. Copy of photographic Identification (ID)
  2. Financial support document (predetermined format)
  3. Certificate of employment

(a) On the company letter head, list the name of the company, phone no. date of issue, and name of the boss.

(b)a copy of the company registration with the name of the company’s representative (boss) or a list of board of members. In case of private business, submit a copy of the business license and a certificate of employment.

4. Sponsor recent bank statement (the bank record must document a steady income over a long period of time and showing sufficient funds for course duration and living expenses).

5. Photocopy of the bankbook page showing the current balance. (This document must verify that the balance is not temporary)

6. Income certificate for 1 year

7. Tax certificate for 1 year

8. Official document to certify the kinship with the applicant.


1. Personal Growth

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Staying away from friends and family, in a new geography, culture and possibly new language is like being without any support system which is most terrifying. You may be funded by your parents for the initial year but the remaining years it has to be you who have to do your own funding. Sounds a bit challenging and you might want to quit here but hang in there and remember success means spending time outside your comfort zone. Working and studying at the same time is a very rewarding experience and your first step towards developing self reliance and resilience. Studying abroad gives you an unparalleled opportunity to live, work and explore a different culture which is a great way to accelerate your personal growth and become more independent. It provides opportunities to learn new things, gain new experiences required to build confidence. It helps you to be more reliant on your own efforts and abilities and resilient to new situations.

2. Develop the ability to think autonomously.

In your home country, you are either under parental or peers influence which highly affects the development of a sense of autonomy in you. Studying abroad is an experience that allows you to enhance not just your education but also your knowledge and skills on various other things.  Setting goals and achieving them on your own not only gives you a sense of accomplishment but also a sense of belief in your own instinct and judgment. Studying abroad helps you become more independent and refine your decision-making skills.

3. Excel in another language

You can never understand one language until you understand at least two

One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad is that it gives actual foreign language experience. There is no better way to learn a language than to study it in the country where it is spoken. You don’t learn only in the classroom but everywhere you go you are exposed to the language thus, making it easier for you to learn or perfect the language. Every interaction with the local culture will be adding new words to your vocabulary and deepening your understanding of the language. Not to mention, learning a language is the key to truly understanding a different culture and it develops your cross cultural communication skills as well which undoubtedly is highly valued by the employers.

4. It looks great on your CV

 The benefits of studying abroad are almost endless

resume, cv, curriculum

Employers appreciate employees with good language skills, international understanding who are willing to take on new challenges. Someone who has studied abroad has global skills and capabilities to work more independently and responsibly, therefore his CV stands out, and if two candidates have a similar CV employers tend to choose the one with international experience.

5. Other benefits:

During your study time, you will get a chance to meet people from different cultures, make friends and memories that will stay with you throughout your life. It helps you see things from a new perspective and appreciate the differences while also seeing the deep similarities between people and their culture. You also get the chance to explore a new country and experience new places, natural wonders, and landmarks, see things that ordinary tourists would never experience.